Friday, June 27, 2008

House Hunting...

We are going to rent so I am not being a picky as I would if we were buying...These are our two favorites of all the houses we have looked at. Of course, my favorite is the White and Tims favorite is the brick because the basement is so nice. We are trying to get one of these two houses and hoping to mov in August 1st just in time for school to start. The Petersons got one up the road 2 miles check theirs out on thier blog... it's beautiful!!!

Tim's Favorite...

My Favorite...


Cresta said...

I love southern houses - so much more personality than our cookie-cutters! They're both beautiful!

Christina Beach said...

They both look like dream houses to me and oh.... trees too!! Georgia look so lush and gorgeous.

Katie said...

They are both really nice! I wish we had more houses that looked like those here! Good luck with your hunting!