Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Can rain really be a cause for cancelling school?

I guess when it looks like this it is.... I stole these pictures from a friend on FB. These are pictures of Bishop Hunters Christmas Tree farm. The rivers and streams here are so full, they are overflowing which is causing alot of roads to close because they are flooding the streets. It took the kids an exta 20 min to get home from school yesterday.

Not supposed to do that... This is their driveway!!! Their drive way also acts as a dam. The right side of the drive way is a pond but it is over flowing and going across the driveway and down the otherside.

Along the side of the road...

The Hunters have a neat little pond with paddle boats and ducks/geese and there is, I mean WAS a little Island. It's totally under water now. The white pole on the left side the picture WAS the edge of the pond.

Here is what the pond looked like before...


pawlowski said...

Wow! That is crazy!! You guys be careful!!

Keri said...

That is so crazy!