Monday, August 24, 2009

First day of school

I know, I am behind... Tyler is now in 3rd grade and Kenna is in 1st grade. They are loving their new school. I am so glad. They have good teachers and good friends. Kenna fell asleep on the bus last week. That was scary for her. After the bus driver droped off all the kids he brought her back. She was in tears. But, she now goes to bed when we tell her to.

Katrina enjoyed a quiet day with mommy and Katie. She got to watch whatever tv show she wanted and got to have Katie all to herself.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Our Little Katie Baby

Katie is almost 3 weeks old!
I was told I need to up-date pictures of Katie and tell my delivery story. So here is both...

My Dr. scheduled me to be induced on the 20th. {Tim's Birthday!} The hospital called me at 6 AM and said, "We have a bed for you, can you be here between 6:30 and 7". I said "Of course!" We arrived at 6:45am. I signed a bunch of paper work, I got my IV at 8:45 am, started the pitosin at 9:20am, Anesthesiologist came in and gave me the epidural at 10:15am, Dr. came in and broke my water, I was still dilated 1 to 2 (same as my appointment the week earlier) We did allot of just sitting there waiting. {What else can you do when you are hooked up to IV's and numb from the waist down?} We watched a movie. He's just not that into you. Didn't really like it. They had me turn from my right side to my left side to my right side, every hour. That was a new one for me. I've never had to do that before. Anyway, 12:18 pm Dilated 3 or 4, Then I got forgotten about for 3 hours! I was on my right side for 3 hours and by 3 pm I could feel everything on my Left side. I could feel the contractions and was getting really nervous about not being numb and feeling everything. I did that with the first two kids and I was not about to do that again. 3:15 pm I asked the nurse if I could flip to my left side and have more epidural to numb the Left side, My contractions were 2 min apart and I was dilated to a 5. 4:00 pm still not numb on my left side but VERY numb on my right side. I was still a little nervous. The pain was manageable. It was uncomfortable but I could deal with it. In the end, (looking back) I don't mind that I could feel some of it. It made things more interesting. I was able to time my contractions and I could actually feel the baby moving down. That is when it got uncomfortable but not unbearable. I knew when it was time to push! At 4:22 pm I started pushing, 2 good pushes and 1 little one and she was out! Katie was born 4:27 pm She weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. (Really 7 lbs 5.5 oz, they rounded up) We are so happy she is healthy and love having her in our family.

Kenna just adores her little sister

Katie likes to be upside down. She will squirm until she is like this and then she falls asleep.

Katrina can't get enough of Katie