Saturday, January 31, 2009


We drove 4 hours to Charlotte, North Carolina on Friday to watch the Phoenix Suns play the Charlotte Bobcats. I was hoping my presence there would give them good luck and make them win. :o) It ususally works! :o) Ha Ha! We lost. By ALOT! It was really sad. But it was a fun trip anyway. We stayed at the Marriott down the street from the stadium. It was awesome to be able to walk everywhere and not need to drive. Down town Charlotte is like most big cities but I relate it to down town Phoenix and Atlanta, lots of one way streets!!! But no scary parts like in phoneix and Atlanta. It was all nice. (From what we saw) Saturday we tired to make plans to go to the aquarium or zoo or something fun for the kids but nothing worked out. It was either another 2 hour drive East or it was too expensive or closed. So we walked around the town for a coupple hours. It was a beautiful day! Then we drove back home.

This is what $5 seats will get you... (Nose bleed)

The Players looked like Ants...

Katrina and Parker are best friends...

We lost so BAD! 98 to 76

The "Water Park" the kids were able to run around and skip over the spaces in the ground. We were sure one of them would fall in the water. But no one did.

The top of this building is really cool looking but I guess you can't see the detail in this pictures...

Another park with water and ducks...

Friday, January 23, 2009


When my parents came to visit, I begged them to send me some citrus from home when they got back home to Arizona. I am craving citrus and the store bought is just not the same and way expensive. So a week later, I receive this...

DELICIOUS, Tree Ripend (Not ripened in a factory by gases) Organic, (my dad's citrus farm is certified Organic) FRESH CITRUS!!! I'm so excited!!!

They sent me - Navels, White Grapefruit, Ruby Red Grapefruit, Lemons, Tangerines, and Mandrins. (The kids favorites) YUMMY!!! Thank You Mom and Dad! I'M IN HEAVEN!!!
I got 2 1/2 cups of Juice out of these 3 oranges!!! So JUCY!!! YUMMMM!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Making Jean Quilts

I told Tim's mom that I had a buch of Jeans I had been saving for 5 - 15 years to make a quilt but I didn't know how to cut out the jeans. (Some of the jeans were from my elementary and Jr. High years. But a few squares are from Jeans that Tim and I were both wearing the day we met. So it is a Family Jean Quilt with lots of memories in it.) She was so sweet and said she would help me. How AWESOME!!! We spent all day on Monday making the quilts while The guys and kids went to the gold mine in Daloghea. We really enjoyed the quiet house.

I have two sewing machines that were not sewing right and she fixed them! She is so AWESOME!!! Now I have two working machines. We got two LARGE quilts cut out and sewn together and one small one for the baby. We might have had another large one accept she couldn't cut a few of the the jeans beacause she said they were too nice and she took them home. Oh's the price to pay to have her help. Allthough, I would have really liked that 3rd quilt to be larger. Anyway, she was such great help. All I need to do is find fabric to put on the back of the quilts and sew it on. I am so excited!

Here are pics....
Working on the quilt

Messy pile of the jeans we have cut...

Part of one of the quilts. The finished product is much bigger!

As you can tell from some of these jean squares, alot of these are from the 80's...
Kenna's quilt... You can't see very well but it has the 7 dwarfs from Snow White on one of the jean squares...

Katrina's quilt...With Mickey Mouse on it. Yes, I had jeans with Mickey Mouse and 7 dwarfs on them....

The baby quilt...

It's great to be 8!!!

Tyler was baptized on Saturday, January 10th. It was so neat. Grandma and Grandpa Jones and Palmer flew in from Arizona to be there. Tim's cousin and family who live an hour away came all the way to be there. It was so neat. And we had many friends that joied us. It was such a great day!

Tyler did not enjoy the COLD water. He was shivering! The water temp is supposed to always be at 100 degress but the bishopric member who did it is new and didn't check to be sure that happened. Oh well. Tyler will probably never forget the day because of that.

Tim's cousin took most of the pictures and they are on his camera. We havent gotten them from him yet. So this is what we have....

Tim and Tyler

Tyler and his best friend Zack...

Getting baptized in the COLD water...

Stone Mountain AGAIN!

Sice Grandma's and Grandpas came all the way from Arizona, we had do show them Stone Mountain...

Waiting to go up on the skyride to the top of the Mountain

The family minus me...I'm taking the pic...

Inside the skyride...

View as we go up to the top of the mountain. You can see a snowy area where they are making snow to open up for playing...

View of the Atlanta skyline....

The kids with Grandma and Grandpa Palmer

The kids with Grandma and Grandpa Jones and Aunt Shana (My sister)

Our family at the top. Minus Tim. This time he is taking the pic...

Tyler and Kenna pretending to fall off the mountain....

Tyler acting like spiderman falling off the mountain. Hanging on by a finger...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

9 YEARS!!!

Today is Tim and I 9th Wedding Anniversary! 9 years! Can you beleive it!?!??! So in honor of it, I thought I would tell our story...

We met at MCC's LDS institute on October 14th. I saw him talking to a friend (Jeremy Schnephf)and I thought he was soo cute! I went out of my comfort zone and went and talked to him. It was odd...I felt so out of place...he was talking to this friend about who he could ask out for a date the next night. So I intreupted their conversation. Oops! The building was closing and everybody had to leave and so Tim tuned around and walked away. He didn't say anything to me. So I too walked away, I went outside feeling very stupid. I was talking to another friend. Then he comes out and talks to me. I guess he had to run to the freezer to get out ice cream that he brought for another girl he was supposed to meet there but she didn't show up. I too was dating a guy and he was supposed to come and didn't show up. (Funny how things work) So we got to talking outside and he asked me out for the next night. I happily accepted. Our first date was on the 15th and we saw eachother every night from that day on. We were engaged 2 1/2 weeks later on November 3rd. How did he ask me?.... First, He asked me to go with him to his family reunion up in Lake Side, AZ at a cabin. I said "There is no way my mom will let me go, but I will ask her" I asked fully expecting a "NO" and SHOCKING she said "yes" What a shock! So I packed up and we left after he got off work on Friday November 3rd. On the way up he asked if I minded if we stop at his favorite spot on the Mogolon Rim. I said "Yea" even though I was thinking "No way, I'm so tired, I just want to get there" So we stoped and it was so neat. You could look out and see all the lights and parts of Mesa. It was beautiful! Then he gets on one knee and I said "What are you doing? Get up" Then he asked me to marry him. I was so shocked! Seirouslly, I was. We hadn't talked about marriage accept once the night before when he said that narriage was a long time away for him. So I accepted that answer and didn't think anymore about it. So anyway, I accepted and we hung out for a little bit longer and then we got in the car and headed back on our way. As soon as we got on the highway, the guy I had been previouslly dating called. Uhhh... what do I say? I hadn't talked to him since the day before I met Tim. He was gone and had no idea I was dating someone else. (Keep in mind, I dated this guy for two years and I never got a commitment out of him. He was scared of commitment and to this day he is still single and 41 yers old. Yes, he was 12 years older than me. So anyway, don't think I went off cheating on my boyfriend. That's how our relationship was.) Anyway, I told him I couldn't talk that I was out of town and that I would call him when I got back. So anyway, the rest is History! We were married two months later on January 6th 2000. Tim chose that day because it is his little brothers Birthday! He was on his mission in Chile at the time. So I guess I should say "Happy Birhtday" to Greg too! He is 29 today. He is only 4 months younger than me! Anyway, Happy Anniversary to the most wonderful man I know! I can't imagine my life with out him. I don't know how I got so lucky. We always say that we know the Lord brought us together. Our story is crazy! We didn't even hardly know eachother. How else could it work? We are so alike and yet, so diffrent.

Tyler's 8th Birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Tyler who turnd 8 on January 2nd. I can't beleive it is time for my oldest to be baptized! So crazy! He had a small but great birthday with some close friends.

Here are a few pics from that...

Tyler got a new bike....

The next day Tyler friend Cooper who couldn't make it to the party brought these....

He was SOOO excited!

New Years Eve Party!!!

We had a BLAST on New Years Eve! We had a party at our house. The guys bought a TON of awesome firworks in South Carolina so we blew off fireworks for 3 HOURS!!! It was so much fun!!!!

The AWESOME fireworks from South Carolina. We lit these off in our back and front yard. Our neighbor had a bunch of these going at once. It was so cool and so much fun to watch!