Monday, November 2, 2009

Carving Pumpkins and Halloween

We had to do our pumpkin festivities in spurts because Tim is out of town and it takes way too long to do it all in one evening. So each day after school they quickly got their chores and homework done and then after dinner we worked on them.
Day 1: We went to a pumpkin patch (on a lot, lame I know) the kids all picked out their great pumpkin.

And we decorated the outside of the house

Day 2: We watched 'The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown' and cleaned out the insides of our pumpkins.

Day 3: We watched 'The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown' AGAIN and carved the pumpkins. The kids did them all by them selves while I fed Katie. I tried to help Katrina but she wouldn't let me. And she did a really good job so she didn't need my help anyway. She was so patient with her pumpkin it was so cute! Luckily, her's was much softer pumpkin than Tyler and Kennas.

The finished product

Tim's company lets them dress up and they do awards for best costume or best decorated desk or whatever and then at the end of the day the employee's families can come in and trick or treat. The kids love it. It's warm inside, they don't have to walk far and they get lots of candy in a short amount of time. I wish that was good enough for the kids. But they want to go out trick or treating with friends at night too. It's just a day full of fun and LOTS of candy.
Tim dressed up...

Our family at his work...

Our poorly decorated house. Oh well. It's more than we did last year.

Katrina's Pumpkin...

Tyler's pumpkin

Kenna's pumpkin

Halloween Night

Time for bed. They had matching Halloween PJ's too. Kenna was so tired. She fell asleep in the car on the way home. She woke up the next morning with 105 temp. so she really wasn't feeling good in this pic.

Apple Picking at Hillcrest Farm in Elijay, GA

We took the kids apple picking. They had fun. They had their bag full in no time. All that practice picking oranges on Grandpa's farm made this an easy job :o). After we picked apples we watched the pig races, the kids rode on John Deere tricycles around a track and then ate a late lunch and went home. It was a fun experience.

We had beautiful scenery on the way there...

Tyler, Kenna and Katrina





All the kids (Palmer's and Peterson's)

Enjoying fresh jucy apples

Kenna riding a John Deere tricycle

Katrina riding a John Deere tricycle